Pet Surgery

Pet Surgery at Branch's Veterinary Clinic in Tifton, GA

Branch's Veterinary Clinic in Tifton, GA can perform a variety of pet surgery procedures. Spay and neuter procedures, along with teeth cleanings, are some of the most common types of surgery we do. Some pet injuries or illness may require a more advanced type of surgical procedure.

Pet Surgery

We understand that your pet's well-being is incredibly important to you. Our surgical staff is highly trained, experienced, and has the compassion for your pet that you would expect from a veterinarian clinic. We are here to tell you about some of the different types of pet surgery we can provide.

Pet Emergency Care and Surgery

We can provide pet surgery and emergency care during our regular office hours. We will try to fit you in as quickly as possible if your pet has been injured in a fight with another animal, had an accident with a car, or is hurt or sick in some other way.

We will perform blood work, X-rays, and other tests before beginning any procedure if your pet is stable. An amputation is an example of an emergency surgery that can be performed if your pet has a severely wounded limb from a car accident. Amputation might be the best option for your pet if the bone cannot be repaired or the tissue damage is too extensive.

Enucleation, or eye removal, is another emergency surgery we provide. This can prevent your pet from suffering severe and ongoing pain if its eye is damaged beyond repair in a severe trauma incident. A cancerous growth in the eye might be another reason for enucleation. The affected eye will be removed and the eyelid will then be sewn shut.

Other Types of Pet Surgery

Here are some additional types of advanced pet surgery that dogs or cats may benefit from:

•             Cancerous tumor and mass removal: Quick surgery can be performed to remove a lump, tumor, mass, or other growth your cat or dog develops. Masses can be sent for biopsy to determine whether they are cancerous or benign.                                                                                                                                

•             Hernia repair: This soft-tissue surgery for a hernia can put the internal organs back in their proper place and repair the tear in the abdominal lining.                                                                                                  

•             Cystostomy: This is a surgery where an incision is made in the urinary bladder to remove a pet's bladder stones.

There are other types of surgery not listed here that our experienced surgical team can also provide, so be sure to call us for more information.

Contact Us for Pet Injuries in Tifton, GA

If you are looking for a veterinarian clinic near you that can provide pet emergency care or surgery, contact us at Branch's Veterinary Clinic in Tifton, GA, today. Give us a call at (229) 382-6055 to give your pet the surgery and care it needs to continue living a long and happy life.

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